How an API-Driven Operation Can Fuel Supply Chain Efficiency with Future Electronics’ Tom Galligani

Improving the information flow between your different stakeholders — from suppliers to your customers — is key to an efficient supply chain operation. How do you then integrate technology to make the process even more seamless? In our podcast episode with Tom Galligani, Global Vice President of Supply Chain for Future Electronics, we discussed how they have successfully maximized the potential of an API-driven solution to drive down cost and manage resources, time, and communication better.     Investing in digital transformation Digital transformation in supply chain management has revolutionized the way companies manage their inventories and deal with customers.


Improving the information flow between your different stakeholders — from suppliers to your customers — is key to an efficient supply chain operation. How do you then integrate technology to make the process even more seamless?

In our podcast episode with Tom Galligani, Global Vice President of Supply Chain for Future Electronics, we discussed how they have successfully maximized the potential of an API-driven solution to drive down cost and manage resources, time, and communication better.



Investing in digital transformation

Digital transformation in supply chain management has revolutionized the way companies manage their inventories and deal with customers and suppliers. For Future Electronics, whose digital transformation journey started with Electronic Data Interchange (EDI),  digital transformation has allowed their customers to trade information, such as purchase orders and forecasts among others.

Now, they consider Application Programming Interface (API) as one of the most important elements of their supply chain because of its capability to drive speed through business, not only for the future, but also for their customers. Compared to EDI that requires a certain level of expertise, API can create a single solution that an organization can connect with with many suppliers, allowing you to scale, according to Galligani.

He shared some advantages of using an API-driven approach that led to their success and business efficiency:

  • It gives way to quicker access to information and faster decision-making. “The API capability has allowed customers, whether they’re large or small, whether they’re in North America or Europe or EMEA, to be able to have access to information. And that information allows them to make quick business decisions,” Galligani said.
  • It is an affordable cost-effective solution. Galligani emphasized how EDI is built for larger, more sophisticated companies because of the software required for it. Smaller companies may not be able to afford such, making API a cost-effective alternative. This allows them to compete with larger companies with more resources because API simplifies the process for them.
  • It can expand your customers’ inventory searches. At a time when inventory is constrained and lead times can get longer, API helps shorten the cycle time for customers and allow them to place orders quicker.

If you’re looking to adapt API in your operations, Galligani has some piece of advice: “Take advantage of the knowledge in the industry, some of your customers, suppliers who are already using this technique. They’ve been through the process.

They understand where the challenges can be, and they can help you. As we did, we didn’t know everything that we were going to be faced with, so we reached out to our partners on the supplier side, on the solution provider side, and they really shortened up our cycle time and learning curve to launch our project.”

Tune in to Down to Freight podcast, where we sit down with transportation, logistics, supply chain, and warehousing subject matter experts to discuss the Digital Transformation Project.

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