Solutions for Shippers

Digital is no longer optional, it’s inevitable

Shipper of choice begins with the driver experience. Get drivers in and out of your facilities at least 3x faster with less resources. Eliminate the time drivers wait to check in, sit at dock doors, or mess with stacks of paper. Drill down into dwell time by each facility to improve performance across the board.

An accurate log of when drivers are arriving and leaving

Insights into all of the activities within the yard

Shows exactly where the trailer is and if its empty or not

Performance metrics to measure dwell time and detention fees

Reducing dwell time begins at your gates

The average warehouse wastes more than 30 minutes per load with drivers waiting in line to check in. Don’t take our word for it, just read your facilities’ Google reviews.

Vector streamlines the check in process so drivers can pick up, drop off and get on with their day. From the field to the back office, watch productivity soar.


Is it difficult to hire at the welcome center?

Digitizing the process allows for automated entry and exit. Processing drivers takes people and time.

Drivers provide their information before they arrive.

Vector will validate the information using the integration with your appointment system to help your staff process drivers quicker.

Detention fees do not have to be a cost of doing business

Digital pick up and delivery provides real-time data of the activity at your yards. Carriers, Shippers, and Receivers share the same view of the timestamps and GPS locations of entry, the trailer drop, and the exit. The shared audit trail cuts down on dispute resolutions and provides a digital record of the events. 


PODs at a click of a button

Paper forces drivers to interact with your facility’s guards, clerks, and warehouse personnel. It’s not only time wasted walking around the facility, getting out of the cab poses incidental safety risks.

Besides the inefficiencies for the drivers, paper slows down your facilities back office. Never lose a document again, plus easily search and audit it later. Resolve issues faster with a digital trail that tells the story of what truly happened in the real world.

Reduce your carbon footprint

Reducing paper and printer waste as well as minimizing dwell time is not only good business, it’s great for the environment. Not only reduce transportation costs, but also support your sustainability initiatives by cutting emissions.

Coyote Logistics Sheds Manual Processes to Streamline Communications With UPS Drivers

Reducing paper and printer waste as well as minimizing dwell time is not only good business, it’s great for the environment. Not only reduce transportation costs, but also support your sustainability initiatives by cutting emissions.

Schedule a demo call today